
Wednesday, March 9, 2011

New Homework Area for Homework Posting

This is the area I will post the homework!


  1. Mrs Lambert wants us to finish the timeline.
    -Mrs Reilly has a Word Card Quiz.
    -Mrs Reilly wants us to finish our free write.
    -Mr Schick wants us to finish that graph thing.
    -Mrs Reilly wants us to read pages 119 to 125 in The View from Saturday!

  2. - Read Chapter 6 in the View from Saturday
    - Work on the index card for history
    - Finish the Vocab. sheet in English
    - Finish the math sheet handed out today
    - And finally read in you reading log

  3. -Read and record in reading log
    -Work on the coversheet in history
    -Work on Section 1 for the reading homework
    -Finish writing about your thoughts on the story about the dog named Lob
    -Finish the math sheet Mr. Schick handed out

  4. Today's homework:
    -Dialouge sheet from MR. REILLY
    -Reading Homework( History)
    -Mr. SHICK Handed out a shape sheet
    -Any assignment from history class

  5. -Reading homework due tomorrowwww
    -3 POEMS
    -Study for math CST
